

Viterbo University Gallery, Viterbo University, La Crosse, Wisconsin, January 31, 2018--February 23, 2018. Opening event and gallery talk Wednesday, January 31, 2018, 5:00--6:30, Viterbo University Gallery, 3rd floor Fine Arts Center.

A selection of black and white photographs of the American realm and those who inhabit it. Commonplace--Commonsense presents images from 35 years of exhibits, books, and photographic projects.

 Carl Lee, Barber, Columbus Junction, Iowa 10/84Carl's portrait will appear in "Commonplace--Commonsense at Virterbo University


ON PLACE :: Three Views of the Land

Photographers Wayne Gudmundson, Drake Hokanson, Stuart Klipper, at the  Plains Art Museum, Fargo, North Dakota, September 13, 2018--February 14, 2019

ON PLACE presents the work of three seasoned Midwest photographers on the nature of landscape, geography, of place.

Recent events

Purebred and Homegrown: America's County Fairs Monday, October 19, 2015, 9 a.m. at "Monday Mornings @ Main," La Crosse Public Library main auditorium, 800 Main St., La Crosse, Wisconsin 


In this illustrated talk, authors Drake Hokanson and Carol Kratz will highlight some of the stories that led to their colorful book on the nation's 2,200 agricultural fairs. Coffee and treats provided, and copies of the book will be available.


People. Places. Things, November 16, 2013 to January 12, 2014, Studio Gallery 1311, La Crosse, Wisconsin

Opening reception Saturday, November 16, 2013, 6-9 p.m., Studio Gallery 1311, at 1311 Market Street, La Crosse, Wisconsin.

People. Places. Things brings together work from 17 artists covering painting, sculpture, printmaking and fine art photography, plus a few surprises for good measure. SG1311 invites patrons, collectors, friends to a gathering for some holiday cheer, conversation, and a chance reflect back on what has been a good year for the visual arts.

Exhibiting artists include: Katie Musolff, Ken DeWaard, Roger Grant, Drake Hokanson, Andy Chulyk, John Whelan, Joseph Schwarte, Jenn Bushman, Matt Duckett, Adam Oldre, Jennifer Williams Terpstra, Dirk Nelson, Nick Dietmaier, Bob Witte, Buzz Balzer, Mike Martino, and Jon Erickson.

Bring friends and family. Many of the artists will be present.


 NPR Radio Interview: "On Point" The State of State and County Fairs

Catch the hour-long interview online at: 



University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Department of Art Faculty Exhibition, February 1 -- February 20, 2013

Opening reception Friday, February 1, 5:00 to 7:30 p.m., university gallery, first floor, Center for the Arts, corner of 16th and Vine streets, La Crosse, Wisconsin. For more information, see the UW-L gallery schedule.

"This Place Like No Other," gallery show, Studio Gallery 1311, La Crosse, Wisconsin, October 19 -- November 25, 2012

'This Place Like No Other' is a fine art photography exhibition featuring works by Roger Grant and Drake Hokanson.  This show explores the use of photography to depict a sense of place and seeks to explore the symbolic meanings associated with it as well as how it is perceived by the viewer.  The show will take place at Studio Gallery 1311, 1311 Market Street, La Crosse, WI, from October 19th to November 25th  An opening reception for the show will be held on Friday, October 19th from 6 PM to 9PM and is open to the public.  In addition, an artists' reception will be held the following night, Saturday October 20th from 5-8PM (also open to the public).    For more information you can contact the gallery at or call 608.799.1184.   Gallery hours for the weekend of the opening will be from 10am to 4pm, Saturday and Sunday.  Please plan to come out and join us at one of the openings for this exceptional show.


“The Nature of Place in Six Photographs,” an illustrated talk. Thursday, March 22, 2012, 6 p.m., Minnesota Marine Art Museum, Winona, Minnesota

 What is the nature of “place” in our lives? How do the places where we live, work, and play affect who we are? How can photographs reveal something of our complex relationships to place? Via six key Hokanson photographs from several projects over three decades, plus other photographs and visual material, he will tease apart something of our relationships to our places, and our relationships with photographs of them.


“Since the Golden Spike: Landscape and Change along the Transcontinental Railroad,” dinner keynote for Center for Railroad Photography and Art conference, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, Illinois, Friday, April 13, 2012

The Pacific Railroad was the work of the age when the golden spike was driven in 1869 joining Omaha and Sacramento, but what of this 1,777-mile path today? Join photographer and author Drake Hokanson to visit parts of this historic route via his on-going project to rediscover this historic path from the noisy four-track mainline crossing Nebraska to the remote abandoned roadbed of the Utah desert. How have places along the line changed in nearly 150 years? What remains of the original line, the towns it created, the hard landscape it traversed?

For more on the conference:


Bosler, Wyoming



Exhibit: "Portrait and Place" September 15 -- December 4, 2011, Minnesota Marine Art Museum, Winona, Minnesota

Photographers and Winona State University colleagues Drake Hokanson and James Bowey are two of this region’s most talented photographers. Drake Hokanson’s sensibility leads him to create provocative, primarily black-and-white landscape investigations. Through years as a photo-journalist and artist, the experiences of James Bowey have given him the capacity to create equally captivating and sincere portraits.

In an ambitious effort to better understand our immediate environment, through this project, the two artists will create images of the people and places of Winona and the surrounding region. An exhibition catalog will accompany the show and will be available at no cost, though a limited edition will be printed.



Gallery walk and informal talk for "Portrait and Place"  September 24, 2011, 1-2 p.m., Minnesota Marine Art Museum, Winona, Minnesota

Co-exhibitors Drake Hokanson and Jim Bowey will lead museum goers on an iformal walk through the exhibit emphasizing the nature of place throught their photographic work.